The Divisional Forest Officer

The DFO's coccoon
Forests exist beyond the files. Weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, yearly......mention it....all kinds of reports are sent to the seats higher up in the hierarchy and that too punctually. And these reports cover everything but forestry. Files – thin and fat – come in and go out. The DFO studies some of them and just brushes across the others before he creates an abstract sketch usually with a Pilot pen held between his weary fingers – the sketch is called as Signature. He is well aware that no one higher in the hierarchy would ever bother to go through the reports he sends so religiously. The higher offices are definitely large warehouses or sinks that can store or absorb all the A4 and letter sized papers produced in the Universe. But still he doesn’t depart from his meticulous paper works. Thanks to the ball bearing fitted extra large chair, he rotates and turns around – many times without a reason and at other times to give a glance at the computer screen to his side on which he has been typing a technical report since past few days. 

The infamous spring bells on the broad and wide office table have though been replaced by battery operated remote desk bells, but call of the bell is still attended by the same worn out peon clad in plain khaki and heavily oiled head, his mortal flesh dragging his reluctant soul into the DFO’s chamber, shooting out the same two words “Ji Janaab?” The DFO, by pressing the desk bell has just disturbed this man from the intricate discussion he was having with his colleagues outside on the current state of affairs varying from local politics to international issues. He picks up the files and leaves back to join the discussion. He serves a typical lemon tea at least thrice a day subject to requests by the DFO, superimposed by sweet assertion “two cubes sugar Sir?” The Officer pushes back his chair “Yes...two cubes!” The peon once again leaves the room perhaps to trigger another discussion outside.

Lonely patrol: The Forest Guard
Technology is a boon as well as a bane – at least the DFO feels so. Every few minutes the ‘smart phone’ sends out a shrill into the stagnated office air. Attending phone calls is one of the criteria that puts his mettle to test, or precisely patience. The call could be from anyone – several Bosses, press and media, politicians, subordinates, complainants...the list is endless. He knows that three out of five complainants would have no genuine reason for making the complaint; they are just habituated to it!  

A days digging into files isn’t just enough. The exhausted DFO goes out patrolling in the darkness of night just to ensure that his forests and wild animals are safe. Some people prefer to loot forest wealth during darker nights while others plunder it in broad ‘day light’. The former are called as 'offenders' while latter are glorified as 'politicians' and are scarier. Day or night – either time – the DFO and his men are on their heels!

The Conservation Talk
The tired DFO struggles hard to find some time for his mandate - forestry. After all, Forests exist beyond files. He manages to sneak out of his office more like a snake slithering out through stacks of files. In the field, he walks over hills and streams, into the forests inspecting plantations, soil and water conservation structures and nurseries. He interacts with the village men and women folk seeking their participation in saving the forests and wildlife. He usually plans for a two or three days field visit, but the smart little phone in his pocket sends a shrill again reminding the Officer that he is needed more in the office digging into dust smeared files rather than working in the forests. He soon finds himself perched on the rotating chair once again, hidden behind the tower of files. Forests do exist beyond files, but doesn’t matter as much as a report that none would ever read!

Packed lunch in forest
As the DFO leaves his chamber late in the evening, he gives out a sigh of relief and looks at his chair one last time for the day. The white towel neatly wrapped around back rest has soaked up much sweat.....but he knows next day isn’t going to be much different. For now his family is eagerly waiting for him back at home!


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